Table of contents: Moving files with VBScript Making Folders with Batch Script Finding Folders with VBScript Re-Registering a .dll with Batch Delete Locked File in Windows with Powershell DeveloperDev Resources.Net.Net TheoryCSharp Event PatternsVB.Net Event PatternsApp.ConfigUser Defined ConversionsLambda Shortcuts.Net SnippetsCSharp Loop Through Command Line ArgumentsCSharp Test for Table in Access DB Through OleDbSerialise Object to XMLCSharp Append to txt FileCSharp Dynamic ContextMenuReflection to fill Class properties from an Array of ValuesQuick and Dirty Log FileCollection Manipulation ShotcutsCSharp Get Classes that Implement an InterfaceDatabasesSQL LanguageSQL TransactionsMySQL Command LineCommon Table ExpressionsTesting for Nothing ParametersSQL ScriptsSQL Transaction ScriptsSQL Find Columns NamedSQL List Columns on TableSQL Show Unique Tables Between DatabasesSSMS Search Stored Procedure ContentSSMS Stored Procedure - Create Audit Table and TriggerSSMS Test Index FragmentationSQL Find Stored Proc InfoCopy One Database to AnotherMS OfficeExcel Tips and TricksExcel Named Range TricksExcel Calling Subs with Parameters from a WorksheetExcel Unprotect WorkSheetsDisable VBA IDE Error PopupBulk Add Apostrophes to CellsExcel FomulaeMultiple List Values from CriteriaQuick Random NumbersVLookup, Offset Match and Index Match for Single ValuesGet Last Filled Value in Row or ColumnVBA TheoryVBA Error HandlingVBA Event PatternsVBA Inheritance or Lack ofVBA Excel xlam AddinsExcel xlam Adding a Custom RibbonExcel xlam Adding Buttons to the RibbonVBA SnippetsVBA Excel ShowHide ColumnsVBA Open Word DocVBA Custom Command Line ArgumentsVBA Common MethodsVBA Testing Dynamic Array InitialisationVBA Date FunctionsProgramming ConceptsCore ConceptsProcedural ProgrammingObject Oriented ProgrammingClasses and their FeaturesApplicationsGitGit Concepts and SetupGit BasicsSetting up a New RepoThe .gitignore FileChanging Home for GitSubmodules in GitGit CommandsReverting ChangesCommon Lifecycle CommandsTortoise GitTiddlyWikiAdding Plugins to your TiddlyWikiAdding a Favourites to the Menu BarAdding an Expandable ContentsSSMSSSMS Refresh IntellisenseWebsitesTikiWikiReplacing TikiWiki FaviconsTikiWiki SetupAdding a New StructureWordPressWeb HostingAdding SSL Support to a WebsiteWebsite DNS SettingsUsing WindowsWindows Keyboard ShortcutsWindows Tips and TricksAssigning Application Hotkeys in WindowsManaging ResourcesSetting Up a Shared Folder on Your NetworkWindows ScriptingHTA ApplicationsWindows Script SnippetsMoving files with VBScriptMaking Folders with Batch ScriptFinding Folders with VBScriptRe-Registering a .dll with BatchDelete Locked File in Windows with PowershellUsing LinuxBash and its UsesXML Based TechXSLT XPath Variable useDev Random How ToFind ODBC Entry Values in Regedit Developer » Using Windows » Windows Scripting » Windows Script Snippets