JoiWiki » Developer » Applications » TiddlyWiki » Adding Plugins to your TiddlyWiki Adding Plugins to your TiddlyWiki

Adding Plugins to your TiddlyWiki

Adding Plugins to a TiddlyWiki

So apparently it's possible to add plugins to a TiddlyWiki by ensuring that it's saved as a html file, opening it in a browse and then dragging and dropping links to the plugin that you want, saving the wiki and refreshing it but I've never really gotten that to work myself and I've had to install them manually.


Manually installing plugins

Fortunately enough plugins for tiddlywikis are basically tiddlers, or articles with content which can be read by the wiki. Some have specific tags which are needed by their operation and some need more than one tiddler but generally all of this will be explained by the site that you're trying to grab the plugin from. It's good form to make any changes in this way to a copy of your original wiki otherwise you could end up making it unstable with your manual changes and nobody wants to lose all of their hard-won knowledge because of an unnecesarry change!.

Created by JBaker. Last Modification: Wednesday January 30, 2019 16:19:15 GMT by JBaker.
