I've got these structures set to the Left hand side, each in their own boxes, so there's a process that needs to be gone through to add structures, it isn't complicated but when you come back to this website for the first time in a while sometimes it's useful to have a reminder:
A new structure is likely to bring with it new categories for the pages that are stored within it, otherwise the page would likely be better suited to one that already exists. Go to the Categories section and add the categories that you're going to want.
Now that you've got the categories to tag in to your structure you're going to be able to create the new structure proper. Head over to the structures section, there's a link in the Wiki menu on the sidebar, and set the name and category of your new structure. Once this is done you'll be able to create a few pages and even child pages to those pages as a way of initially fleshing out what you plan to do.
Now that you've got the framework for your structure you'll want to add a way to access it, for me that involves adding one of the boxes you see to the left.
- Add New of type "Wiki Menu Structure"
- Enter the name of the structure you've just created
- Go to the next tab and enter the title
- set the value of "Flip" to y